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First of all, Happy New Year’s (I know I’m kind of late… ), but I wish you and all the yarn I hope you will obtain!

This new year is a bit different for me, last year, I ended the year with yarn that I donated in the final quarter. You can still read about it here. This year I’m starting with a whole different perspective on my projects.

Years ago when Marie Kondo was a thing, she reminded me of why do I keep a lot of things. Do I keep it because I love it or because I spent money on it and felt like I’ve wasted my money if I didn’t use it completely. I’ve taken that thought to not only my yarn but the projects that I completed. Do I love them? The thing is, I loved thee yarn that I knitted with, I just wasn’t feeling the final results as much.

Take this jade green stole I made during the pandemic. First of all, this is my favorite yarn—Shawl in a Ball, but I wasn’t liking the final product. I made it too wide, and the needle size was too small. I kept it, but for two years I hardly wore it. 

Shawl in the ball green jade

Another example is a shawl that I co-made with my daughter. My daughter started it, but it was too much work for her (and she was younger) so I finished it. The shawl was very large, but as time goes on, I’ve beginning to realize what I like and done like. 

In this picture, the show has already been shortened

I’m not a big fan of thick shawls. I mostly wear them like scarves or neck coverings, and that could be for like 3/4 of the year. I do live in the northeast. A winter coat is essential, and a bulky scarf under all those layers are not. 
I also like to have a wrap with me in case I’m out and it’s chilly (summer air conditioning), so why I wear a shawl or stole is different than why other people do. Also, I’m no longer in the baby stroller pushing days, so I really want to lighten up my load. 

Before my youngest was born, I was also interested in sewing. I want to get back into that as well. I don’t have the time to take out the machine, so I don’t mind doing things by hand.

The first thing I need to do, is to finish the sewing project that I started years ago. In the picture above, was a facial cloth that I started, but didn’t finish. I am determined to finish it this year.

Anyway, what I truly mean to say is that if I’m not loving it, I don’t want to knit it. I have plenty of yarn, and tons of ideas in my mind. I want to take my time and enjoy my crafting time.

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