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First Cross Stitch Project

First Cross Stitch Project

I recently undergone a rotator cuff surgery for an injury that I have for over a year. I initially wanted to avoid surgery because of personal reasons (like a fear of the anesthesia). As my movement became more impaired, I bit the bullet and and went for it. To be...
WIP: Couch Pillows

WIP: Couch Pillows

I’ve missed my work in progress post last week. But this week I have a completed project to share with you. A few weeks ago I shared with you that I was making a pillow with donated yarn. A few weeks ago I shared with you that I was making pillows out of the...
Sewing Masks Just Because

Sewing Masks Just Because

When I was pregnant with my third son, I was indulged with another hobby to learn. Sewing. Only thing, the sewing Machine sat there while I looked on afraid to use it. My fear was not knowing how my projects would come out. I was afraid that it was going to be a hot...