by Kalley C | Sep 22, 2022 | Knit
I’ve been on a sock knitting binge lately. It’s a slow binge, but it’s going none the less. While working on them I thought that I was one kind of knitter. I thought I knew what tools I loved to use. After all, I’ve been knitting for 6 years—I have to know something?...
by Kalley C | May 5, 2021 | Knit
Yarn lovers! Last week was absolutely crazy, so I missed last week’s post. I think that was a good thing too. Instead of just sharing with you more dishcloths that I was working on, I was allowed to work with something that has reopened up my knitting mojo! I...
by Kalley C | Apr 22, 2021 | Knit
I was just getting over the hump of my knitting dry spell that I was experiencing the other day until I randomly came across a book sock. At first, it didn’t occur to me to make a book cover or sock for my kindle. But, the more I thought about it, the more it...
by Kalley C | Apr 14, 2021 | Knit, Tutorial
Hey everyone, spring is here I’m just looking forward to seeing some color! Spring is such a wonderful time for knitting light projects, and a calm way of looking forward to summer. One of the stitches that I’m loving at the moment is the Daisy Stitch. I’m...
by Kalley C | Apr 7, 2021 | Knit
It’s the beginning of April and It was just a few weeks ago that I was ultra excited to get into knitting exclusively. Unfortunately, that was short lived and I’ve now entered into a knitting slump. Now don’t get me wrong, I think every knitter has been there one way...
by Kalley C | Aug 15, 2020 | Knit
It’s summer and hot and perfect time to knit for the household. Normally, I’m a sweater gal, but I’ve been taking some time off from sweaters to try my hand at other knits. One way for me to try a knit stitch is to make a dishcloth out of it. Normally I would a knit a...
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