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Sock Knitting – DPN or Circular

I’ve been on a sock knitting binge lately. It’s a slow binge, but it’s going none the less. While working on them I thought that I was one kind of knitter. I thought I knew what tools I loved to use. After all, I’ve been knitting for 6 years—I have to know something?...
Crocheted Summer Sun Hats for Everyone

Crocheted Summer Sun Hats for Everyone

Hey yarn friends! Who would have thought that just a week ago, I was extra excited about getting my knitting mojo back, and now I can’t stop the amount of projects that I want completed…now. This week, I have something excited to talk to you about, and...
Knitting Mojo Is Back

Knitting Mojo Is Back

Yarn lovers! Last week was absolutely crazy, so I missed last week’s post. I think that was a good thing too. Instead of just sharing with you more dishcloths that I was working on, I was allowed to work with something that has reopened up my knitting mojo! I...
How To Make a Kindle Book Sleeve

How To Make a Kindle Book Sleeve

I was just getting over the hump of my knitting dry spell that I was experiencing the other day until I randomly came across a book sock. At first, it didn’t occur to me to make a book cover or sock for my kindle. But, the more I thought about it, the more it...
How to Knit the Daisy Stitch

How to Knit the Daisy Stitch

Hey everyone, spring is here I’m just looking forward to seeing some color! Spring is such a wonderful time for knitting light projects, and a calm way of looking forward to summer. One of the stitches that I’m loving at the moment is the Daisy Stitch. I’m...