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First Cross Stitch Project

First Cross Stitch Project

I recently undergone a rotator cuff surgery for an injury that I have for over a year. I initially wanted to avoid surgery because of personal reasons (like a fear of the anesthesia). As my movement became more impaired, I bit the bullet and and went for it. To be...
Simple Toddler Socks

Simple Toddler Socks

Not too long ago, Premier had a line of Fruit Sock Yarn that was so colorful and delicious at the same time. It was at a a time when I lost my knitting mojo (due to a shoulder injury) and I just wanted to get back into the swing of things again. I only completed one...
Completing the Rosary Prayer Shawl

Completing the Rosary Prayer Shawl

,  Not too long ago, a parent whom I’ve known growing up recently passed away. I wanted to do something nice for her daughter and have it last for a long time. Her daughter was the midwife for two of my sons, and she personally drove me to the birthing center with my...
New Year’s New Ideas

New Year’s New Ideas

First of all, Happy New Year’s (I know I’m kind of late… ), but I wish you and all the yarn I hope you will obtain! This new year is a bit different for me, last year, I ended the year with yarn that I donated in the final quarter. You can still read about it here....
Decluttering the Yarn Stash

Decluttering the Yarn Stash

Lately, I’ve been uninspired to sit down and just plan knitting projects. I guess that what happens sometimes, we go through the ups and downs of crafting. However, while trying to de clutter my home, I decided to start with something I love—my yarn. Image: Pixabay...